La Inter-American Network of Academies of Science (IANAS) ha lanzado el libro “Urban Water Challenges in the Americas. A Perspective from the Academies of Sciences.”
Pueden encontrar en este link la versión en español y la versión en inglés del libro "Desafio del Agua Urbana en las Americas. Perspectiva de las Academias de Ciencias."
En las palabras de Michael Clegg and Juan Asenjo, Co-Chairs, IANAS:
" The book is a comprehensive country-by-country assessment of the status of urban water needs in the Americas. It includes chapters from 20 countries and 120 water experts participated in the writing of the individual chapters. IANAS is very grateful to the authors and to the Academies for supporting this very impressive book. The Americas are among the most urbanized of regions in the world (>80% of inhabitants live in urban settings) and the challenges of urban water management are large. We believe the book will make a valuable contribution to knowledge about urban water challenges and that it will be an important source of information for national policy makers as they manage this crucial resource."